Migraines, where do I begin - they are hell. HELL.
They make you emotional, make you angry, the pain is endless, you can't do simple tasks and there seems to be no escape. NO ESCAPE at all.
I know many of you suffer with tension headaches and my migraines, they are sadly quite common. I don't think it ever gets easier dealing with them.
It is hard to know what to do with yourself and I think that is what causes the emotional strain. We have a to do list but can we really focus enough to do the tasks well. We have places to be and people to meet and that means being social and FUNCTIONING - no easy task. We want to be out doing and being productive, yet we feel too unstable and upset to put the wheels into motion. Any plans that are made are daunting, yet without them, you go insane with no drive to keep pushing you forward or activity to keep you mind off the pain.
You are stuck in a dark, dark place. On top of this you have the prospective of winter and you wonder how you will cope with the added 'extras' of symptoms.
I have tried to keep my head above water this week, keeping up with tasks, doing my Xmas shopping and focusing on the busy weeks that lie ahead. I love to be organised because after all, it is the key to success and especially around Xmas I like to be sorted to remove the gift stress. Christmas is stressful enough without last minute, panic buying and anyway that lacks thought and the personal touch to the gift.
We have a lot on in the next few weeks and I can't wait for my head injections next Thursday - they aren't pleasant but they should really help and help is NEEDED.
I have a lot going on, on all fronts and with all the commitments that I have made. Sometimes I am guilty of filling my plate too full but at the same time I do it to keep my heart pumping. My head in a healthy place and to make the best of myself and the precious time I have. I should be sat in a dark room, with no lights etc but I think that would finish me off.
I am all about being positive and I can always find a positive in any circumstance but sometimes we need to breathe, take a minute and just have a cry. Life is a challenge.
I never know where my days will take me, I try to face my fears, I try to think outside the box, outside my comfort zone and keep pushing myself. Some days these are daunting to me, yet I still try to do them. I think it is key for our overall health. We have to listen to our hearts and not play into our symptoms.
So what advice is out there for migraines?
- Keep a diary: write down your triggers, the times you start with them and how often they occur. It is always useful to have when you go to the doctor and explain what is going on, they may be able to advise you a lot more on treatments and prevention methods.
- Avoid triggers: keeping a diary can help with this tip. Understanding and knowing your triggers such as stress, bright lights and so on can be things within your lifestyle you can control and help ease the pain a little. Other factors such as menstrual cycles or the weather can't be controlled but are still important to make note of and flag up.
- Sleep: this is a big one and is so hard when you simply can't switch off because of the pain but trying to get sleep is important.
-Drink: fluids are important, we NEED to stay hydrated and we also need fluids to keep flushing out the toxins in our bodies.
-Vitamins: keep your vitamins up. Eat good, fresh foods with natural goodness to keep your body as fighting fit as possible.
When a migraine comes on:
Some people are triggered by temperature: so too hot to cold. I am definitely one of those people. My headaches are always one of my worst symptoms when it is too hot, and when it is too cold. So finding a temperature to avoid trigger a migraine or making it worse is helpful.
Massage, lots of people enjoy having head massages to release the tensions.
Try to keep your mind busy, whether it is mindful colouring, drawing, sewing. TV series, movies and so on are normally a no-go.
TRY to avoid stress, it is the hardest thing in the WORLD with it being this time of year as well but trying our best to be chilled is so important.. ( I can never seem to follow this rule. ) SHOCK HORROR.
Seek medical attention if the migraines become severe, change in anyway ( more frequent or longer lasting), you feel that your current treatment isn't working and if you just want a medical professional's opinion.
The temperature is dropping, so if like me your migraines are heightened because of temperature then PLEASE keep warm and wrap up.
Remember it is bonfire night and I know lots of you will be out watching fireworks, waving sparklers and eating toffee apples. It is easy to just 'freeze' for a little while but you don't want to be adding to the pain or coming down with a nasty cold so WRAP UP and keep warm. Luckily I saw my fireworks early in Lake Garda in a comfort 20 degrees, lucky me. That is what we all need - a constant 20 degree heat, I will keep dreaming for us.
I enjoyed another fun day on the radio with Simon Field, Chloe & Sam Martin. Sam and myself were stitched up a little as Simon was given the task of finding us a date for Christmas. Golly, gosh - who knows what will happen with that one.
We discussed all sorts from 'What happened on this day in history.' Ross from Friends, David Schwimmer was 52 to day and we were talking about bonfire nights.
Don't forget to tune into Chorley FM - 102.8FM and I will look forward to next Friday with the crew.
Enjoy a sparkling bonfire weekend.