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Media & Society Beginning To Take Note šŸ“ .

With Tesco recently advertising that they are now sharing more plant based reciepes with shoppers, Morrisons advertising their FreeFrom range with the 'blended' vibe which I love the advert itĀ is very touching. It shows a little boy watching his family enjoy his favourite foods and wanting some. His Mum isĀ then able to give him the allergy-free alternative, allowing him to feel 'blended' and not missing out / out of place. Which of course is a lot of the work I try to do with my blogs, advice and books because missing out on your favourites and feelingĀ out of the loop when dining with family and friends is and can be mentally damaging and upsetting. That is why it's such an important topic to raise & work on.Ā 

As the newspapers and media are now also picking up on, how eatingĀ fresher, more organic foods over processed good's wont just allow us to get better nutrients and vitamins from our foods but that a more plant based diets aren't just a fad or trend there is science behind the benefits of eating more this way. They are beginning to see that it isn't just rabbit food, like Tesco - you can experient and really create some yummyĀ recipes from the simplest foods. They are also beginning to see that the way our society isĀ eating as a whole is extremely dangerous to our health. We all know how the NHS is under threat and it's upsetting how much they are struggling. Why, shouldn't more awareness be raised, education be given to help ourselves heal, prevent or help health issues and diseases. Taking a little less pressure off the health industry, helping our bodies ( not adding more toxins through medications ) and we should want to/ be proud of fighting our own battles, healing ourselves and generally taking care of ourselves.Ā 

There has been a lot in the news just recently about the effects of all the additivies, E-numbers, toxins, metals & pesticides in our foods aren't only not feeding our bodies the nutrients they are crying out for but the damage they are doing to our bodies if abused can become irreversible.Ā 

This is an alarming and scary fact.

The suggestionsĀ from medical professionals is to try to eat foods with less than 5 ingredients on their labels.Ā 

I remember inĀ Cuba, when Matthew read out the ingredients of their own branded Coke ( as of course they don't use Western brands at current) and the list of ingredients filled the whole back of the can, 330ml can, in small letters too all the ingredients. They weren't natural ingredients either, the list was filled with chemicals and many endedĀ in acid. Which of course we don't need brains to know how bad acid is for our bodies.Ā 

It's the same story with so many of our products that we consume day in, day out.Ā 

McDonald's fries šŸŸ contain 19 ingredients! 19! Only 3 - potato, oil ( which is refined and therefore all the natural substances have been removed and salt are the only natural ingredients. The rest are addictives, E-numbers ( that are addictive ) and other artifialĀ flavourings. It is also said that the Burger King hamburgers contain cycanide ! Which we all know is a poison and has been used by the Nazi's to commit suicide as well as murderers to kill their victims. Now it's in your favourite cheat food?Ā Ā Why and how have we allowed this?!

Our society and world is so focused on making more money that our health and our well being is being put at a dangerous risk. Is it any wonder we are plagued by chronic diseases and that the health industry can't treat us all, or treat use effectively. There are 7 billion of us on this planet.

We are very quick to point blame at others. Yes, there are many to blame here - food manufacturers, supermarkets, labelling, fast food outlets, restaurants the health industry and our money mad mind set.Ā 

However, instead of sitting there and continuing to eat what we know is bad for us, andĀ addingĀ more medications that theĀ pharmacy industryĀ try to sell us to our lives. Then frankly you are high up on the list to blame too.

It's not about drastic changes - just little adaptations can make all the difference.

All these toxins are known to affect brain health. They target your B-cells which protect your body from serious diseases such as cancer. They are known to encourage mood disorders, depression and mental health issues. Which many of us will admit to suffering from. So whyĀ not try to help yourself?

Where do I start?

- Limit the junk and processed food.Ā 

Don't fully cut these naughtier foods out completely, still treat yourself. However little changes can do you so much good. Ideas?

Ā 1.Ā Have fun with the children and have your own pizza nights where they can build their own pizza rather than ringing up Dominoes. This gets all the family involved and allows you to add all the veggies, meats and ingredients you want. We are all unique and you have to admit your takeaway may not offer your prime masterpiece of a pizza you truly dream of.Ā 

2. Movie night treats? Don't just grab a chocolate or sweet bag. Make up your own little pick and mix bags, using products like chocolate buttons instead of large bars, add nuts, add dried fruits, fruit & yoghurt bites, chocolate raisins and natural fruit sweets.Ā 

3. Make your own sauces. Pasta, tinned sauces can be full of excess sugar, salts, E-numbers and additives. Use fresh veggies, stock, herbs, seasoning. Again allowing you to add your own touch and really suite the flavours to your taste.Ā 

4. More veggies on the plate and natural starches. Rather than those microwavedĀ potato wedges, curly fries and oven chips and tinned sweetcorn. Opt for a jacket potato, homemade chips, sweet potatoes, fresh boiled / steamed veg - peas, broccoli, asapargus, peppers. The list is endless.Ā 

5. Homemade soups- again add your own favourite flavours, seasoning and use potatoes to thicken rather than refined flours.

6. Shop organic when possible. This decreases the amount of pesticides ( arsenic and toxins ) that have been sprayed / added to your foods.Ā 

7. Having a picnic ? Make your own sandwiches and if you are having one in your back garden why don't you invest in a cheap ice lolly tray and make your own ice lollies with natural fruit juices! You can even rustal up a fresh fruit smoothie and freeze that into lollies. The children will love them.Ā 

8. Craving a take out?! It has been recommended that if you order chips and say you want them unsalted they have to cook you some from fresh. Rather than re-frying chips for the 3rd, 4th time.

9. Switch to plant based sugars and syrups. There are a number of health benefits that can be gained from plant based syrups and sugars. Refined sugar has zero nutrients, yet is packed with toxins. Plant sugars are known to help with chronic pain, headaches, blood pressure and so much more. Sweetness & kind to the body - heaven.Ā 

10. Use unrefined oils. If coconut oil, rapeseed or walnut oil are not in your budget. Then please avoid - palm, vegetable oils, sun flower oil and cheap own branded oils. These like sugar have zero nutrients, they have been so processed that now the productĀ is purely made up of toxins and that is all.Ā 

11. Make fresh juices - fruit juices are now so pumped up with chemicals to keep their shelf life that there isn't any natural fruit test left. Meaning manufacturers artificallyĀ adsĀ flavourings. Buy the fruits yourself and juice them in a blender.

12. Don't purchase rice that has come from China! It contains elvevated levels of arsenic & plastic.Ā 

- Opt for herbal medications or natural remedies over Western medicine.Ā 

1. WhetherĀ it's regular massages, herbal tablets or even mindful activities that can help your health difficulties, choose these options over popping that pill.Ā 

-Add more spice to your life.

1. Spices are amazing at adding flavour to your dishes but also they have many benefits.

Turmeric, cinnamon and ginger are all very powerful as an anti-inflammatory. It is amazing to add all these spices to hot almond milk and drink to shake off those colds.Ā 

Ginger is amazing for nausea.

Adding these simple touches do the world of good.Ā 

2. Spices go along way, you only need a little to add a punch! You don't need a full jar of pre-packed sauce to flavour your dish.Ā 

-Ā Fish and mercury.

1. Shop smart when it comes to fish. The cheaper, more common fish contain elevated levels of mecury. Due to our seas becoming ever more polluted. Mercury encouragesĀ cancer cells to grow and develop. So shop smart.Ā 

2. The extra expense may be worth it. Some fish are becoming harder to come by these days. As we saw withĀ theĀ meat scandals in recent years, fish too may not be as pure as you thought. There has been lots of evidence of different species of fish making up your tuna steaks and less common fish species to keep up with customer demand. The cheaper species of fish making up your fish may contain more toxins and will be more processed with toxins to hold your 'steak' together.Ā 

-Use your butchers!

1. It has now come to light that even, high end, expensive restaurants are using a special food glueĀ that is undetectable to our taste buds and eyes to glue cheaper cuts of meat together and sell them as luxury cuts. Of course the glue is full of toxins and are artificial but also the cheaper cuts of meat are fattier.Ā 

2. Fresher and more locally sourced meat. Your meat hasn't been sprayed with nasties, shipped, added to a shelf and packaged for days on end. A lot of butchers use local farms and have good relationships with them. Allowing them to get the best cuts and fresh ranges of meat in their store.Ā 

-Drink more water and herbal drinks.

1. Don't like the taste of water? Infuse your water with lemons, limes, cucumbers, mint, fruits and more.

Water makes up 75% of us! It help flush out those nasty toxins and adding lemons & limes will also aid this process. Get rid of those toxins.Ā 

Why should I make these changes?

1.You could help heal chronic diseases - such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and more.

2. You will feel less sluggish, your digestion will improve, as well as energy levels.

3. You will help improve your depression, mood disorders and concentration.Ā 

4. Less chance of illness. Your immune system will have more time to focus on protecting your body rather than simply getting rid of articifial toxins.Ā 

5. All those take outs, were costing you a fortune. It is surprising how cooking from fresh can save you a lot of money.Ā 

6. It's fun, it is fun to experiement in the kitchen. You can gain new skills, get the whole family involved, and learn some exciting new dishes.Ā 

7. The health improvements you could experience could improve your life massively!

8. The amount of differentĀ nutrients and vitamins are through the roof and it is good for you children to learn more about the food they are putting in their bodies. However you will also find your food to be a lot tastier when it's all freshly made.Ā 

Have you been experimenting in your kitchen?

Have you cooked up any exciting recipes you would like to share with us?

Have you made the changes? Are you feeling any better?Ā 

Thank you for reading.

I hope going into the summer months, the lighter nights andĀ children's holidays that you take the opportunity to be more aware of the foods you are feeding your bodies and use the time wisely to educate yourself as well as your children on good yummy, healthy foods.

You may not think it now, and I know with our busy lives that throwing in that frozen curry to simply reheat is the easy, quick option. We need to think of the future - do you want to be contracting type 2 diabetes or the reason why your children become ill?Ā The extra 15-20 minutes a night could literally be life savings not only life changing.Ā 

If you do suffer with food intolerances and allergens, take a look at Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Booths and Holland & Barrett's ever growing range of FreeFrom products. Don't miss out or let a loved one miss out.Ā 

Thank you to all the supermarkets and manufacturers that aren't only working to promote a more plant based lifestyle and not slating us as 'clean, fussy eaters' burĀ also the work that is being put into catering for allergies! We are truly grateful and it means so, so much.Ā 

Need help and advice, reach out!

Knowledge is power and health is wealth.

Love and peaceĀ 




Feeling sluggish and rubbish when you have woken up? Get boosting up on bananas the more the better - they will help settle your stomach, boosting digestion, they are a mood enhancer, they will give you the energy you need and keep you full. Buy my book for banana receipe ideas.
Wake up every morning and ATLEAST have one glass of lemon water before doing anything else! Ideally try to drink a litre of water. The lemon wakes up your digestive system ready for the day and has great cleansing properties.
Check your dairy and meat intake - dairy can sit in your system for up to seven days unable to digest properly. Meaning other foods also get neglected and nurtients aren't absorbed properly and you feel extremely bloated. Go and smell your food bin, your stomach will be in that state. Rotting foods in your belly - hmm nice.
Bananas, Rice, Potatoes, Leafy Greens, Corn, Beans, Lentils etc PACK THEM IN GO MAD.
NEVER COUNT CALORIES - NEVER RESTRICT!! These restriction 'starvation' diets who tell you to only eat 500 calories a day then have a treat day - where you binge out and eat WAY too much, is simply messing up your metabolism and on your binge days yours body stores all the fat meaning you gain weight because it knows it is going to go back into starvation mode and needs to hold onto every little thing it can. HELLO WEIGHT GAIN. 

Life is too short not to live it to the full, making yourself happy.

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