Dear fellow warriors,
Words often make it easier for me to understand myself, my feelings and thoughts. I journal everyday & my love for poetry often inspires me to write - write my thoughts within and wrapped up in poetry form.
I have had so many lovely, kind comments on Instagram this week and so many beautiful people reach out to me. I am truly grateful & thankful for your kind words and support.
It is risky and difficult to be open and honest but so many of you have told me to keep being 'stripped back' and honest. As it helps them, inspires them. Of course my whole goal within my business is to ultimately help as many of you as I can.
I would also like to thank you all for choosing and taking the time to read my blogs! It means the world to me!! I really hope you get some good tips, tricks, advice and ultimately enjoy reading my blogs.
Since returning home from Cuba, life has been quite stressful with many appointments and the info & results coming from the appointments have been incredibly overwhelming- more than I could ever explain. So I have been feeling abit like I have been on a rollercoaster. Inspiring today's poetry & post.
I just want you all to know - you are never alone, and crying / breaking down is not a weakness. You have a right to allow the tears to follow, be angry and release hurt. However we all have to remember to make negatives into postives in anyway we possibly can. I get fustrated when I feel slightly more down because I can't feel like the fight is beating me and focus on my work or activities that lift me up. Don't let your sorrows drown you, focus on the tiny pleasures and treasures life holds. Whether this is relaxing and watching a movie, calling a friend, writing your journal, eating you favourite dinner. Fill your days with little excitements to keep that flame within burning!
The Fight.
Hurting truly inside,
From the food your body will only decline,
Comments left right and centre,
Hitting you right in the heart's centre,
Feeling tired and cold,
But wearing that smile so bold,
People can judge and comment,
In the rush of the moment,
Those scars may not show,
Within your skin the negative comments dig deep and grow,
Your inner soul fighting for all to hear your scream,
They only see the smile you make beam,
The pain goes on day after day,
The aching I can not keep at bay,
Night after night,
Searching souly for a light,
Hospital after hospital all the same white walls,
People waiting for you just to fall,
You are crazy, insane it's all in your head,
All the stress - I want my bed,
Sleep is precious and rarely comes to me,
Once asleep at least I am a little more free,
The preparation for busy days,
Cause anxiety in so many ways,
What to wear,
Why do I care?
I won't feel me,
When again will I ever be,
Hungry but sick,
But with the fight you somehow stick,
Trying to make the best out of the darkness,
Desperately holding onto the dream of happiness,
Accused of always being down,
Nobody knows what it feels like feeling like at any point you might drown,
All I ever wanted was people to understand,
The pain and hurt I could no longer stand,
I don't want sympathy or people to worry about me,
For many years I have not been free,
Results are helpful and my road to the light,
Giving me hope in sight,
This doesn't change pain within,
With that I cannot begin,
The struggle goes on and the road is long,
I have to stay strong like I have all along,
I may come across low,
Often moving quite slow,
My body weak,
The years just past have been bleak,
I am still in the game,
My inner self still the same,
Like a chess board - one wrong move,
Can ruin my groove,
I have cried,
I have tried,
Often feeling like most of me has died,
But defeat & the offer to surrender I have kindly denied,
If you need me,
Wherever needed I will be,
Please see,
That sometimes places I can not always be,
Tasks and activities I may not be able to be a part,
Though now treatment can finally start,
I hope you can see me,
The real me,
Behind the pain and body weakness,
I battle on like a warrior through the bleakness.
I deserve to travel so much more,
I have the world to explore,
I deserve so much more,
Than to constantly feel so sore,
I am still me,
I always will be,
I'll fight through the storm - you will see,
Finally living life like I should be.
The world 🌎 can get you down, but hey I am here with a smile 👄, you may see me around town because within the fight I refuse to drown!
Thank you for reading.
I hope this gives you all strength to fight through your own battles, know you aren't alone. Please reach out and tell me your stories and how you are battling on.
I was unsure whether to post this - so I hope you find it useful.
I want to finish this post with my favourite quote:
'I may lose a battle but I will win the war.'
Love and peace to all & battle on warriors. 💜