With exciting updates that for the moment I am keeping my lips sealed about until all confirmed but I am truly excited, and feeling the positive vibes. It does mean my book won't be available for about 6-8 weeks. Though the decision I have made to go with this is backed by my family and friends and although it requires investment, I have put a lot of work into this book and it I want it to be successful.
With dealing with top professions is an honor too - so I need to jump at this chance. They love the cause and the subjects I am trying to educate people on. Which is amazing.
So I will keep you updated and I apologise for the wait but it should all be well worth it in the end.
YAY, exciting. The start of something truly exciting I feel.
I have given some family members some of my faveourite foods and treats to try over the next few days and so far the feedback is good - I think people believe that allergy-free things are simply awful because they have 'nothing' in them but a lot of the time they actually taste better! I was never a sweet (candy) person - but the Goodies Good Stuff sweets are so amazing, they aren't heavy, they are too sweet, they aren't CHEWY that you feel like your teeth with come out, and they are truly fruity. I don't really like the allergy-free chocolates they are a bit bitter but again I am not really one who craves chocolate all the time. I would always choose things like ice cream off a desert menu rather than a chocolate fudge cake. Hence the banana nice cream addiction!!! However - those sweets... I do love going to the cinema knowing I can take them to snack on.
Though people shouldn't shy away from trying these products - I know, sorry Matthew I do make him try some weird foods and he normally smells it and looks at it and pulls a face.
Though once he has tried it he actually likes it - meaning he ends up eating the same as I eat. Making him the number one person to cook with, dine out with and travel with. He knows the diet now and knows what I can and can't eat and he enjoy some of the same foods so doesn't mind going to vegan restaurants and of course our favorite - THAI restaurants. Top man - truly grateful, the BEST friend.
Like he said though he would never eat a fully plant-based diet because he likes his meat and fish too much and that's fine but its just nice for him to be so open to trying my passion and supporting me. He hates being in my YouTube vid's but he plays the part and takes part because it is important to me and in the end secretly he enjoys the food and he likes being center of attention on my video's let's face it. I am truly grateful for his support and for him being open to trying all the products and foods I place in front of him.
Also Jacob who suffers from gluten and dairy allergies is eating and following more of a plant-based diet and feeling a lot better in himself. I know that the first few days in Spain we were on the beach and it was chips, chips or chips for my options. Of course there were salads but I didn't want salad - I wanted something more feeling. However the chips were really greasy and being the first few days of having to deal with oil with gluten in did make me feel a bit off. My stomach was very upset and my legs were full of spots from the gluten. However I feel my body dealt with the oil better as in American I was ill every night really struggling where at this time I had a bad few days and a few blips within the week but I was able to go out for a drink after eating not feeling like I needed to go back and lie down because I had stomach cramps.
So I am taking that as a positive. ROLL on Croatia !
Yesterday was the food festival at Barton Grange. I went around and video'ed some bits and bobs - of course.
I tried some of the food I could eat - they had the hummus chips I mentioned the other day in different flavours too. Matthew tried all of them, after enjoying my hummus chips on Monday ( perfect example ). However he still preferred the hummus chips rather than the kale and mixed veg flavours.
I would just like to mention Macaroon Delights - as they were the only business their with a clear A4 sheet with the list of their products and what was in them. This really impressed me and thanked the lady and explained about my allergies and my difficulties. She explained it was really important to her too she has done course on allergies and makes sure that they are all clearly displayed so there is no confusion. I highly recommend them as a business they have beautiful products and lovely for gifts.
So please check them out - Macaroon Delights.
Thank you for your allergy support Macaroon Delights!!
So hopefully the next few days will be successful with a lot going on - ( good, positive things ) and having fun celebrating my best friend's birthday - Mama Bear.
Lots of things to enjoy and moving forwards.
Love and peace to all :)
Thank you for all you support and I am truly excited and can't wait for next exciting steps.
Create happiness... smile.