Hi Guys, I am sorry I haven't really given you an update on my book work and book release dates. This is due to whilst being away on holiday I was having a deep think about how I want to move forward with all of this. I love CreateSpace and they offer an AMAZING service, they are fabulous on the customer service front as well - however they don't market and aren't able to fully edit your book to a top standard. I am not a professional so how I set out my work is simply just me trying my best, however getting professional advice and really making it more visual for you guys, easier to follow and read is SO important because my books aren't simply black and white story books, you guys need to clearly be able to see the ingredients and understand the steps I have provided to make the dishes and having images within a book also adds many more challenges when editing - it is unbelieveable. I also aspire to gain more of a media buzz about my books which an actual publisher will help with. I have been contacting a couple of publishers since getting home and had really positive feedback so far, they all love the cause that I am trying to voice and spread, however the process is quite a long one as my manuscript is has had lots of lovely comments back from the publishers and has been passed on to senior management - which is amazing news! Though their decisions alone can take up to six weeks, then as a unit we will work together through proofing and editing. There is one publisher out of the four I have heard back from that I am really hoping to work with if the cost is right and higher management approves me - so keeping fingers and toes tightly crossed.
I did want to get this book out to you guys ASAP because I was so excited about it and I put a lot of effort into it before going away again as I am already drawing up my next book for Europe dishes and recipes however I want all this to be successful not just 'ok' - I am a perfectionist after all I don't do anything less than the best I can possibly do and achieve. So I am going to wait and see what comes back, what I am quoted and go from there. I just want to make my work the best it possibly can be and sometimes although painful you need to invest to then help gain more success and that is what I am hoping to achieve here. I haven't ruled out CreateSpace as still being an option for publishing this book, I am just going to take my time, really research, get feedback and make the right decision to help process forwards in the right direction.
I am grateful for your patience and simply excited for the times ahead - hopefully many more experiences to document, lots more recipes to create, loads more cooking and a heck of a lot of writing and editing to come.
I would just like to personally thank you all for your support and I hope I can help as many people as possible that is the whole aim of this - cooking has been a passion of mine for many years now and has helped me find a hobby and re-gain motivation after losing my number one love - swimming and it helped me get through my Dad being ill which is when I picked this skill up and started cooking, I truly get lost in it and I feel it is my skill for helping me as a person. So you can understand why I hope and want this to be 'perfect' and do well.
Thank you.
Let's keep cooking, tasting, eating and exploring.
Love and peace. xoxo